
Born in El Salvador, I emigrated to the United States in 1990 to begin a new life. Education and learning the English language were a top priority for me. Eager to begin classes, one day I decided to enroll myself into Somerville High School. To my surprise, I needed a guardian to complete the enrollment process. Thankfully, my sister’s good friend was able to help me get signed up.  I studied hard, kept good grades and played soccer. 

When I first arrived in The States, I knew little about the culture and the vast opportunities ahead. After graduating high school in 1995, I started to work and had a few different jobs. I was a painter for awhile and also worked at an auto parts distributor. I excelled in this field, but I was not fulfilled. I began taking on side jobs, painting again, and one day decided to start my own business. With the love and support of my family and friends, I successfully launched Painting by Francisco in 2010. 

There isn’t a day that I’m not thankful for what I have and what this country has provided for me and my family, and I’m truly humbled. Through hard work, determination and persistence, I have been able to achieve all of my goals and dreams: get an education, become a citizen, start a family and open up my own business. 

As a premier painting contractor, we are committed to delivering customer service that is second to none. We offer a wide range of services to meet your residential and commercial painting needs. Big job or small, we have you covered!

We care about the details—it's not just putting the paint on a surface. It’s the preparation; the craft of putting paint on the wall and the finish product. We strive to provide honest, reliable, residential and commercial painting services that stand above the rest. 

Give us a shot, you won’t be disappointed!